jack nicklaus

  • 网络杰克·尼克劳斯;黄金熊;尼古劳斯
jack nicklausjack nicklaus
  1. Jack Nicklaus has played in every Major Championship since he turned professional in 1961 .


  2. And they brought in Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer .


  3. Others on the list include golfer Jack Nicklaus and ex-NBA superstars Magic Johnson and Shaquille O'Neal .


  4. Jack Nicklaus , one of golf 's living legends , has been pushing for 12-hole courses since 2007 ; he even built a few .


  5. Other playing editors at Golf Digest include Arnold Palmer , Jack Nicklaus and Phil Mickelson .


  6. Other winners included golfer Jack Nicklaus , singer Aretha Franklin and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan .


  7. Many of history 's greatest players , like Jack Nicklaus , did this to get the layout of the course , know the hole positions and discover any potential problems .


  8. The resort is part of a gated community , and its guests have access to the Punta Espada ( a Jack Nicklaus golf course ) and a nearby harbor marina .


  9. Even back in the 1960s , Jack Nicklaus understood the value of teeing the ball high , which he explained by saying , ' Through years of experience I have found that air offers less resistance than dirt . '


  10. Officially , the construction of golf courses has been banned in China since 2004 , but hundreds have sprouted since then , including many designed by the likes of Jack Nicklaus , Nick Faldo and Arnold Palmer .


  11. Legendary golfers Jack Nicklaus , Arnold Palmer , and Gary Player dominated the game from the60s'into the70s ' , wowing fans by winning almost all of the events they competed in .


  12. Legendary golfers Jack Nicklaus , Arnold Palmer , and Gary Player dominated the game from the 60s ' into the 70s ' , wowing fans by winning almost all of the events they competed in .
